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Full Story: StudyFinds (8/23), Phy
TEL AVIV — We often think of plants as stationary, rooted organisms. But plants are constantly in motion, responding to light, gravity, and their environment. In fact, a new study is revealing how sunflowers use subtle movements called circumnutations to optimize their growth and light exposure when planted close together. Simply put, sunflowers actually know how to “dance” in order to grow successfully.
Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and Tel Aviv University investigated the self-organizing behavior of sunflowers growing in dense rows. They found that the plants’ natural swaying movements, which look like a slow dance, help them arrange themselves in a zigzag pattern that reduces mutual shading. This optimized arrangement allows the sunflowers to capture more light for photosynthesis.
The study, published in Physical Review X, sheds new light on how plants actively explore and adapt to their surroundings. It suggests that the seemingly random swaying of plant stems actually serves an important purpose in helping plants grow efficiently in crowded conditions. The findings have implications for understanding plant behavior, improving crop yields, and even developing better swarm robotics.
Dancing in the Light
Plants are known to exhibit various types of movement in response to stimuli. Tropisms are directional growth responses to external cues like light (phototropism) or gravity (gravitropism). Circumnutations, on the other hand, are exploratory circular or elliptical movements of plant organs like stems and roots.
Shade avoidance is another important plant behavior. When plants detect reduced red light caused by shading from neighbors, they can alter their growth to reach areas with more light. Previous research found that sunflowers growing in dense rows self-organized into a zigzag pattern that increased their light exposure and seed production.
However, the mechanisms driving this self-organization were not fully understood. The researchers hypothesized that circumnutations – the subtle swaying movements of plant stems – might play a key role by introducing helpful randomness into the system.
To test this idea, they conducted experiments growing sunflowers in controlled indoor conditions. They used a time-lapse video to track the movements of individual plants and groups of five plants arranged in a row. Sophisticated image analysis allowed them to measure the plants’ positions and movements over time.

A Virtual Sunflower Garden
In addition to the real-world experiments, the researchers developed a computer model to simulate sunflower growth and interactions. They represented each plant as a growing circular disk that could move within certain constraints.
The model incorporated three key factors:
- Crown growth – The plant’s above-ground leafy portion expands over time.
- Shade avoidance – Plants experience a repulsive force pushing them away from overlapping neighbors.
- Circumnutations – Random movements sampled from the distribution observed in real plants.
This simplified model allowed the researchers to run thousands of simulations, testing how different parameters affected the plants’ self-organization.
Surprisingly Broad Movements
Analysis of the experimental data revealed that sunflower circumnutations followed an unexpectedly wide distribution of velocities, spanning three orders of magnitude. In other words, the plants exhibited both very small and very large movements, with many in between.
This broad distribution of movement sizes is similar to patterns seen in animal behavior that enhance processes like foraging and sensory perception. It allows for both careful local exploration and occasional large jumps to new areas.
The computer simulations showed that this specific distribution of movements was key to the plants’ ability to self-organize efficiently. When the model used either much smaller or much larger random movements, the simulated plants were unable to arrange themselves optimally.
‘Sweet Spot’ Of Randomness
The researchers found that the experimentally observed movement pattern struck an ideal balance. It provided enough randomness to break symmetry and allow plants to explore different arrangements. But it wasn’t so random that it overwhelmed the plants’ tendency to grow away from shade.
This “sweet spot” of randomness enabled the simulated plants to consistently find arrangements that minimized mutual shading, matching the zigzag patterns seen in real sunflower crops.
The study suggests that circumnutations serve as a source of functional noise in plant systems. Like a person jiggling a jar to help its contents settle, these movements help plants explore different configurations and find optimal arrangements.
“The sunflower plant takes advantage of the fact that it can use both small and slow steps as well as large and fast ones to find the optimum arrangement for the collective. That is, if the range of steps was smaller or larger the arrangement would result in more mutual shading and less photosynthesis,” says Prof. Yasmine Meroz from the School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University, in a statement.
“This is somewhat like a crowded dance party, where individuals dance around to get more space: if they move too much they will interfere with the other dancers, but if they move too little the crowding problem will not be solved, as it will be very crowded in one corner of the square and empty on the other side,” she continues. “Sunflowers show a similar communication dynamic – a combination of response to the shade of neighboring plants, along with random movements regardless of external stimuli.”

Beyond Sunflowers
While this study focused on sunflowers, the findings likely apply to many types of plants. The ability to optimize growth through self-organization could be especially important in natural settings where plants compete for light.
The researchers note that their simplified model captures key aspects of a complex biological process. Because plants move by growing, their physical structure represents a history of past movements and interactions. This creates a unique type of system where space and time are tightly coupled.
This work provides a new framework for understanding how plants actively negotiate their environment. It demonstrates that plants employ sophisticated strategies to solve problems like balancing exploration and exploitation of resources.
The findings could have practical applications in agriculture, potentially informing optimal planting densities and arrangements to maximize crop yields. The insights might also inspire new approaches in swarm robotics and other fields dealing with self-organizing systems.
Paper Summary
The researchers used a combination of real-world experiments and computer simulations. For the experiments, they grew sunflowers in controlled indoor conditions and used time-lapse photography to track their movements. They analyzed both individual plants and groups of five plants arranged in a row.
The computer model represented each plant as a growing circular disk that could move within certain constraints. It incorporated factors like crown growth, shade avoidance responses, and random movements based on the patterns observed in real plants. This allowed the researchers to run many simulations with different parameters to understand how various factors affected the plants’ self-organization.
Key Results
Sunflower circumnutations follow a surprisingly wide distribution of movement sizes. This specific distribution of movements is crucial for efficient self-organization.
The observed movement patterns strike an optimal balance between exploration and stability. Computer simulations using these movement patterns reproduce the zigzag arrangements seen in real sunflower crops.
Study Limitations
The study focused on sunflowers in controlled conditions, so the findings may not apply equally to all plants or natural environments. The computer model is a simplified representation that doesn’t capture all the complexities of real plant growth and interaction. Further research is needed to confirm these results in different plant species and field conditions.
Discussion & Takeaways
This study reveals that the subtle swaying movements of plants serve an important purpose in optimizing growth in crowded conditions. It suggests that plants have evolved sophisticated strategies to explore their environment and solve complex problems. The findings highlight the active, dynamic nature of plant behavior and challenge our perception of plants as passive, stationary organisms.
The research provides a new framework for understanding plant movement and self-organization. It could have implications for agriculture, ecology, and even fields like swarm robotics that deal with the collective behavior of many interacting agents.
Funding & Disclosures
The research was supported by grants from the Human Frontiers Science Program, the U.S. Army Research Office, and the Israel Science Foundation. The authors declared no competing financial interests.