Full Story: Popular Science (11/20)
These wolves are the first known carnivores to ‘enjoy’ sweets

The Ethiopian wolf, also known as the red jackal, is one of the world’s rarest canines as well as Africa’s most endangered carnivore. But ongoing conservation efforts for the coyote-like predator might not only help maintain local wildlife populations—their penchant for sweet snacks may also pollinate plants.
Ethiopian red hot pokers are perennial flowers of the Kniphofia genus native to African nation that typically bloom between May and October. Each year, pollinators such as birds, insects, and small mammals visit the plants to drink from their large amounts of nectar. But while the Ethiopian wolf’s diet is largely composed of rodents, a new study published on November 19th in the journal Ecology confirms that the red jackals also frequently forage for Ethiopian red hot poker nectar themselves.