Tree deaths could jeopardize Amazon’s carbon storage
Tree deaths could jeopardize Amazon's carbon storage Tree deaths amid drought in the Amazon rainforest may transform some parts of the forest from [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-08-19T12:17:33-04:00August 19th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Tree deaths could jeopardize Amazon's carbon storage Tree deaths amid drought in the Amazon rainforest may transform some parts of the forest from [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-08-17T13:35:53-04:00August 17th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Study: Breakfast habits related to life satisfaction (monkeybusinessimages/Getty Images) A study conducted by research teams from England's Anglia Ruskin University and Mexico's Universidad [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-08-08T11:21:32-04:00August 8th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Arm bone fragment may prove early humans even smaller An arm bone discovered at the Mata Menge site on the Indonesian island of [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-08-03T10:39:09-04:00August 3rd, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Early mollusks used spiny protection, fossils show A previously unidentified species of mollusk, Shishania aculeata, protected itself with cone-shaped spines 514 million years [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-31T20:10:45-04:00July 31st, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
‘Deep-snouted’ tyrannosaur fossils uncovered at construction site 'Asiatyrannus xui' may have been first of its kind to stomp across southeastern China. BY ANDREW PAUL [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-21T11:53:43-04:00July 21st, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Protective honeybees slap ants away from nests Asian, or Japanese, honeybees have added wing slaps to the known arsenal of protective measures they [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-17T12:09:58-04:00July 17th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Radar confirms lunar cave that could shelter astronauts Radar measurements beamed from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have confirmed a cave on the moon [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-14T12:11:35-04:00July 14th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
Earth's life-giving water may have come from planetesimals Water-bearing planetesimals, miniature astronomical structures from certain meteorite classes, delivered significant amounts of water to [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-12T09:45:33-04:00July 12th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
really interesting that the new James Webb telescope can determine detailed chemistry Neighboring exoplanet could be stinking up space Hydrogen sulfide, a molecule that [...]
By mazzuki1|2024-07-11T14:17:27-04:00July 11th, 2024|Kool-Sci DAILY|
2 male lions risk predator-filled swim in search of mates Lion brothers Jacob and Tibu have crossed Africa's Kazinga Channel, which teems with [...]